
The organizers 

Michèle Zweifel ("Memoirs of a Geisha")
has film in her blood. Whether it's about watching, screening or making – as long as the pictures are moving she's happy. With a degree in theatre studies and a diploma from a film school in India she is now working as a production manager in the corporate film sector. Having grown up close to the festival location the Emmentaler Filmtage are bringing her back home again. What she appreciates most about the festival is the exchange with the film makers and the audience. 

Michael Hauser ("Koyaanisquatsi")
is a crew member from day one. Originally a watchmaker and organ builder, he is today working as a caregiver in a protected workshop. His first contact with films was through extensive visits to the cinema and experiments with the good old Super-8 film. The founding of the Emmentaler Filmtage eventually brought the change to digital equipment. Having chosen to live in the Emmental he likes to add modern things to the more traditional regional culture. 


The festival crew

Noëmi Zweifel ("Chocolat")

Hansjörg Wenger ("Alexis Sorbas")

Ursa Neuhaus ("Diva")

Stefan Sommer ("Intouchables" "Braveheart" "Forrest Gump")

Rolf Munz-Herzog ("8 1/2")

Pierre de Senarclens ("American Beauty")

Simon von Niederhäusern ("Indiana Jones and the last crusade")

Susanna Spagnoli ("Into the wild")

René Kaufmann ("Tôt ou tard")


Copy-editing Website

Katharina Geiser ("Die Zeit vergeht wie ein brüllender Löwe")



Alison Kappes ("As it is in heaven")


Web master

Fabian Hauser ("Shaun das Schaf")



Thomas 'Bush' Büschlen ("Les triplettes de belleville")


Video doctor

Peter Schurte ("Planet Earth")


A big thank you goes to:

At the Rüttihubelbad:

Sozialtherapeutische Gemeinschaft, Hotel/Restaurant/Reception, Kultur, Hauswirtschaft, Technischer Dienst & Baugrupppe, Alters- und Pflegeheim, Sensorium

Beatrice Breitenmoser GL Rüttihubelbad ("The Birds")

Daniel Mäder Stiftungsrat Rüttihubelbad 

Bart van Doorn ("Singing in the Rain")

Max Gugelmann ("James Bond: For your eyes only")

Daniel Tschanz vom "Kino um die Ecke"  ("Cinema Paradiso" & "Waking Ned Devine")

Thomas Veerbeck von TeamBeam

Tim Juretzki von TeamBeam

Verena Zürcher von "Lebenslust Emmental" ("Das Leben ist schön")

Stefanie Arnold "Bern für den Film" ("Orlando")

Christian Billau von Tourismus Emmental ("Riding Giants")

Simon Flühmann von Tourismus Emmental ("Herr Lehmann")

Wouter van Minnen von Region Emmental  ("V for Vendetta")