Review 2010


Festival Program 2010

Preview in the "Berner Zeitung" (Newspaper) 

Report on the Film Festival "Berner Zeitung" 

Report on the Film Festival "Wochenzeitung Emmental Entlebuch"



The 2010 Film Event in the Emmental is History

On the 16th and 17th of October lots of spectators came to Rüttihubelbad. The crowds were so enormous that we had difficulties to offer everybody a seat although 120 seats were at our disposal and we run films for 9 hours daily. The organising team is very thankful that beside the problem of capacity there were no mayor problems. The atmosphere was excellent and especially in the evening it was even more enjoyable due to the illumination of the festival centre. Film blocks like "Men" or "Women" were extremely well attended, but also the programme for families and the documentary films created a lot of interest. There were about CHF 2400.00 in the donation boxes. We transferred the money to the 71 filmmakers. 

We wish to express our hearty thanks to all helpers, e.g.  those who helped with equipment without charging us anything helped with pc support or helped to solve any other problems. The film event became a reality also due to your support!


No more words.... Let the following pictures talk to us.